I thank the people who tested the online riddle, and of course, credits to people for the materials used for the riddle.
- Whitesand
- infiniteXforever
- HeatleyBros
- Nagaty Studios – Sound Effects
- Jason Shaw
- Audionautix
- Triangle
- YouTube
- Audionautix
Brush (GIMP)
The very inspiration of creating this online riddle comes from Cipher: Crack the Code, made by gamemastertips. I suggest you to play it.
I give thanks to these people who tested the online riddle, reported issues, and for the other things related to RNS Riddle.
- Nik 🇵🇭
- bato 🇵🇭
- nixed 🇵🇭
- behoshuo 🇵🇭
I give thanks to the people who gave me ideas for the riddle.
- My former workmate : Level 19
- bato 🇵🇭: Level -15
- shaharc 🇮🇱: True Level -19
- shriddle: Aleph
- ze?t riddle: Origin of Right 20.
Discord Server
I also give thanks to the people who helped me on setting up, and configuring the discord server.
- Catz 🇮🇱/NinthLyfe 🇺🇸: For reporting configuration issues regarding the server. Now everyone cannot be mentioned, and the server is now colorful in regards to secret levels roles.
- carbo25 🇵🇷: For pointing out that the users can change their nicknames when it should be disabled.
Riddle Maintenance
Extra thanks to Catz and the Enigmatics team for maintaining my riddle when I was gone. I truly appreciate it! I am not crying, I swear…
Issue Reports
Again, I thank these people who reported issues on the riddle.
- MishuAnubis 🇷🇴: for reporting an issue on False Level 15.
- ThaeVish 🇨🇭: for reporting a big issue regarding normal levels. Also reported issues on Tutorial Levels for having a typo. Also reported an issue regarding a file on False Level 15. Also reported the missing “what” on Level 3 and Level 4, the typo on Level 16’s title, and typo on Level 26’s image name.
- AlessaMason 🇬🇷: for reporting a missing page on False Level 15, and for False Level 13 suggestion for hint.
- Catz 🇮🇱: For fixing the issue on False Level 14, that in some cases, unsolvable due to the idea can be easily dismissed. Also responsible for reporting the issue on True Level -16. Also reported that music folder is accessible without a password.
- Tyte 🇳🇴: For reporting the useless password box message on central page, and for making me look for emojis, which helped me on flags for Hall of Fame pages.
- NinthLyfe 🇺🇸: For reporting a useless line of HTML code on True Level -8. Also, for reporting an excess slash on Level -9, and a grammar issue on a sublevel of Level Null.
- shaharc 🇮🇱: For discovering more possible answers on True Level -6. Also reported that the old True Level -8 is not displaying properly, and was beyond my understanding, so I replaced it with another one. Also reported the issue on Level 0 – Central page.
- Kobe Li 🇭🇰: For reporting a game-breaking issue on False 15, and reporting the issue on a sublevel of Level Null.
- carbo25 🇵🇷: For egg suggestion on True -12, along with AlessaMason 🇬🇷, y’ 🇺🇸 and Kobe Li 🇭🇰.
- behoshuo 🇵🇭: For reporting an issue on Level 26 and True -16.
- Nik 🇵🇭: For reporting an issue on Level 0 – Central page.
- Hunter77 🇮🇹: For suggesting a good idea on Level 37.
- y’ 🇺🇸: For reporting an embarrassing issue on end part of Level Null, and for reporting issues on False 4 and False 15.
- minson 🇨🇳: For suggesting a good idea about Blank, and reporting numerous issues in the entire riddle.
- Shen Qiang (pkukiss) 🇨🇳: For reporting an issue on -B, and for showing the vulnerability of the riddle, answer-wise. (RIP my cute references)
- alpha█: For reporting numerous issues on the riddle, from Normal to Right levels!
- And many more people who helped me polish the riddle!